Avansic Blog

The Lit Hold is Over - What Next?

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes. 


Listening: The Bass (and Base-) line for Success

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes. 

Our ...

Say What? 5 Ways to Improve Your eDiscovery Communication

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes. 


AI is Making eDiscovery and Forensics More Important Than Ever

Guest post by Doug Austin, Editor of eDiscovery Today

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably...

Metadata Remixed

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes. 


Pricing: User vs. Gigabyte Models

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Yes, It’s a Vendor Calling – and You Really do Want to Answer

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Experts Constantly Adapt and Change to Deliver Exceptional Results

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Changes in Forensic Investigations and Collections

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Recession is Coming (Probably) Outsourcing May Be the Way Through

Guest post by Doug Austin, Editor of eDiscovery Today

Don’t shoot the messenger, but (to paraphrase...