Avansic Blog

Change is Inevitable-Use it to Your Advantage

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.


How to Embrace Software or Technology Platform Change

Change is constant, and switching away from technology you already know is challenging. Think about...

The Train is Leaving the Station! Are You on It?

Guest post by Doug Austin, Editor of eDiscovery Today

Happy New Year! Then again, as Keith Morrison...

Change in eDiscovery: Mellow or Monster, Mandatory or Marvelous?

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.


What I Learned at Georgetown EDI

We have some notes from the field for you this week - our CEO, Dr. Gavin W. Manes, recently...

The Power of the Cloud – And Pitfalls to be Mindful of

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog, and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Sessions You Don’t Want to Miss at Georgetown EDI

The Advanced eDiscovery Institute at Georgetown is set up again to deliver invaluable content, and...

Confessions of a Cloud Denier

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog, and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Laying a Good eDiscovery Foundation

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog, and written by Gavin W. Manes.


Six Planning Items to Address BEFORE the Case is Filed

Guest post by Doug Austin, Editor of eDiscovery Today

I’m back with another guest post for the...