Avansic Blog

On-Staff Litigation Support Professionals - Experience Varies

Law firms and corporations may have people on staff who perform eDiscovery management tasks every...

How Many Users Work in Your Cases

The number of users that access your eDiscovery platform at any given time is a factor in which...

Handling One Matter or Many – Whatever You Need

There are three factors to consider when choosing or switching eDiscovery solutions with respect to...

eDiscovery Subscription Services Experience

The largest hurdle in modern eDiscovery is not the tool or the platforms but how easy it is to...

Sizing Up Your eDiscovery Matters

eDiscovery matters come in all shapes and sizes and regularly change from their initially estimated...

So, You Want DIY eDiscovery? Last But Not Least: Production

Continuing our series on DIY eDiscovery (data loading, search and analytics), requesting,...

So, You Want DIY eDiscovery? Part II: Search and Analytics

It may not be the most exciting activity but searching is critical to successful eDiscovery. When...

5 Advanced Techniques for Self-Serve eDiscovery

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog, and written by Gavin W. Manes.

So, You Want DIY eDiscovery? First Up: Loading

You’ve decided to handle eDiscovery yourself, whether that means starting with a new tool,...

5 Key Considerations for Changing Your eDiscovery Subscription Provider

This article was posted as original content on the ACEDS Blog, and written by Gavin W. Manes.