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In this webinar we discuss the various strategies of reviewing your documents vs. someone else's production. Traditionally, this is plaintiff vs. defense, but in eDiscovery even a corporate defendant may receive a significant amount of data from a third party. We discuss how to get through that data in a cost effective and timely manner and what pitfalls can occur with data received from other parties. In addition, digital forensics techniques and litigation strategies may need to be applied on opposing party data including the use of neutral third parties or protective orders that allow experts to collect and analyze cell phones, laptops, and cloud accounts.
Additional Upcoming Events
End-to-End eDiscovery Walkthrough, Part II
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Part two of a two-part webinar series entitled "End-to-End eDiscovery Walkthrough." Based...
End-to-End eDiscovery Walkthrough, Part I
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Part one of a two-part webinar series entitled "End-to-End eDiscovery Walkthrough." Based...
eDiscovery Productions: Inbound and Outbound
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In this webinar, we discuss the best methods to send and receive productions and issues...