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To Keep or to Pitch? Data Storage in eDiscovery
So much data means we need a place to put it – but where that is depends on how often you need to...
Why We LOOOOVE eDiscovery
So, February's the month we're supposed to love it all. Even if we really don't sometimes (it's...
The 12 Days of Avansic
Everyone knows the 12 Days of Christmas (and now you've got it in your head because we mentioned...
Pricing: Compare, Contrast, Decide, Repeat
This article was original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.
Many of you...
Why eDiscovery is Like Algebra
This article was original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.
With back to...
Where in the World is That Phone? Geolocation of Mobile Devices
This article was original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.
Moving? How to Take Your eDiscovery Cases With You
This article was original content on the ACEDS Blog and written by Gavin W. Manes.
Let’s say...
Does Size Matter When Choosing an eDiscovery Vendor?
Growth of the eDiscovery industry has occurred through new companies, new products, and...
How to Bill eDiscovery to Your Client
Figuring out how to bill eDiscovery to clients is a challenge for every firm. Some see discovery as...