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In this webinar, we discuss how to interview custodians about where data is stored that may be relevant to litigation. We also discuss how and when to involve Information Technology personnel to assist with the custodial interview process. Topics including former employees, BYOD, cloud storage, and working from home are all addressed. These custodian interviews can greatly assist in Early Case Assessment (ECA) for budgeting, time constraints, and review burden. We also discuss strategies on preservation vs. collection at the early stages of a case.
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Cool Things Digital Forensics Can Do: Applications in Civil Litigation
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This presentation covers some of the capabilities of digital forensics - how forensics...
eDiscovery Bootcamp: Win Your Case With 8 Simple Search Steps
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Even with advanced analytical technologies available, search is still a critical activity...
5 Reasons Why Your eDiscovery Process Should Integrate Forensics Methods - ACEDS Webinar
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